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After her “dream-come-true performance” with international pop star Lady Gaga, young Filipino-Canadian Maria Aragon performed a duet with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
On Monday (Tuesday in Manila), the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada and his wife, Laureen, directly proceeded to the Aragons’ residence in Winnipeg shortly after the Conservative Party's assembly.
Aragon's father said he was surprised when security escorts and paparazzi flocked their home.
Harper, who is running for a Federal re-election set to happen this May, said he wants to personally meet Canada's 11-year-old rising star.
Before Harper, his wife and the Canadian Press, Aragon once again performed her version of Lady Gaga’s "Born This Way."
Not to be outdone, Harper, for his part, played the piano and sang John Lennon's "Imagine" with Aragon.
Last week, the 5th grader was featured in Piolo Pascual's solo concert in Toronto.
Prior to this, Aragon appeared in American hit television shows "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" and "Good Morning America."
Source: http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/entertainment/03/30/11/after-lady-gaga-maria-aragon-performs-duet-canadian-pm
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